I'm almost to the end of Netflix's Ripley and I truly admire it! While I agree on your thoughts about some of the casting, specifically Johnny Flynn and Dakota Fanning, I think Andrew Scott is a real standout! He does so much subtle work that is endlessly fascinating to watch. I agree that there should have been a bit more sexual chemistry between Tom and Dickey though. It's surprising so much of this was left out given the casting of Scott in the lead role.

The series is also one of the most beautifully shot I've ever seen. Some of the images, many of which you include, are master works and could stand alone for their artistry. I like that the episodes take their time, especially the one in which a body is being disposed of. It allows for such great detail, rivaling the clean-up scene in Psycho! All in all, it's an incredible piece of work so far. I'm hoping there there are more seasons to come to flesh out some of Patricia Highsmith's other Ripley novels.

By the way, I've also recently watched the documentary Loving Highsmith which is a fascinating, if somewhat incomplete, portrait of the writer and her work.

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Hi Dan. Oh yes, it's gorgeous to look at. Many frames are worthy of a photography exhibition.

I will watch it again and zoom in on what Andrew is doing. No disrespect to him as an actor. He's a fine one. It's more the show's characterisation of him that didn't quite land for me. Someone was drawing parallels with his turn as Moriarty, which I haven't seen. It would be interesting to compare the darker elements of those roles.

If you've got eight episodes to play with, why not stretch out. The aftermath of Dickie's death is a bold indulgence. I'm sure I will appreciate that more the second time around.

I'll seek out that Highsmith doc. Thanks for the tip.

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